Xblue Exports: Wholesale Fresh & Frozen Fruit & Vegetable Exporter

sweet potatoes

 bathed in the golden rays of the desert sun, are more than just a delicious treat; they are a vibrant tapestry woven with history, health, and versatility. Their journey stretches back centuries, carried by merchants along ancient trade routes, finally anchoring themselves in the fertile soil of Egypt, where they flourish under the watchful gaze of the pyramids.

  • Characteristics: Vibrant, sweet, and come in various colors like orange and purple.
  • Nutritional value: Rich in Vitamin A, fiber, and potassium for a healthy boost.
  • Uses: From savory to sweet, they shine in stews, fries, pies, and more.
  • Production: Peak season: July-October.
  • Varietties: Beauregard, White Delight, Purple Majesty, and Japanese Jewel offer unique flavors and uses.

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